Google SEO Tools

Google offers a set of SEO tools to manage your website. The exciting thing about these tools are, they are absolutely free. No strings attached.

Google has never claimed these tools are available for SEO aspects. However, using the combination of these tools, we can run our SEO campaign very successfully.

If you are using google tools, you can get any data related to your website.

Based on my personal experience, Google never offers any competitive analysis tools. All the tools offered are for maintaining the health of your website to be Search Engine friendly.
Google also has few smart features which can be used while performing keyword research for your project. You can find them under Google Features section below:

Google Features

Google Related Searches
Google Instant or Google Auto suggest Feature.

I have also listed few tools. Few are used for testing purposes.

Google Tools

Search Console (Webmaster Tools)
Google Keyword Planner
Tag Manager

Testing Tools

Structured Data Testing Tool
Structured Data Markup Helper
Email Markup Tester
Page Speed Insights